Standing In His Presence

Benjamin Hoogterp

Month: November 2011

Pure Gospel

Pure Gospel Cover

Pure Gospel

Why don’t we see the outpouring Jesus did? How do we build a correct church? You cannot have the church of the book of Acts without the Apostles of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The reason Acts “works” is people were discipled in the ways of the Kingdom, revelation was tapped into, the Spirit was outpoured, and based on that, God was pleased to move among them. Without the Gospels, you have a form with no power, a body with no heart, a fireplace with no flames. What is the thing that the gates of hell cannot overcome? The revelation of Jesus Christ. The way of the Kingdom. The truth of Who He was. The Life that can only flow from that proper relationship. Many people are talking about “Kingdom mindedness” with little understanding of it. The Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, an eternal one, that, like the Chariots surrounding Elijah, were by nature spiritual but produced miraculous results on Earth. As it is said, we are to rule the visible world from the invisible one. It is only when we give up the soul-based life for the view of the true spirit-filled life that we are able to be a torch and a flame. We must get correct heart understanding which produces correct language regarding faith, Kingdom, and the Spirit if we are to do more than simply touch the things of heaven but live and operate amongst them.

Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 11, 2011)
Language English
ISBN-10 1467929913
ISBN-13 978-1467929912
Product Dimensions 0.2 x 4.9 x 7.9 inches

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Keep On Asking

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Matthew 21:22

Sometimes, all we can do is ask.  Sometimes, all we can do is keep on asking.  Sometimes.

Asking can seem like such a small thing.  Yet, it is what He asked us to do.  There is something about a submissive spirit, and trusting and yielding spirit, that is required to ask someone in authority over you for something you need.  They could tell you no.  They could condemn or ridicule you for your lack of ability in yourself.  They could ignore you like you just don’t matter.  They wound you in so many ways, because the place of asking is the place of opening up your vulnerability.

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