IHOP Blueprint Prophecy
(edited) March 26, 1984
Friends of the Bridegroom – http://www.fotb.com (www.IHOPKC.org)
God shall confirm in your spirit; and do not proceed until He does. Upon the confirmation you should begin to act immediately to take the bride to the city; to the city of Kansas City, rather than having the city come to Him.
Therefore there should be another…on the north side and on the east side and on the west side, even as it is on the south side. Therefore there shall be four…. I have shown you My grace. My grace is sufficient. My grace is Me in you and in this shall be the 5-fold ministry.
In days past, I have said…You are a Garden Center…of My choice says the Lord. In My Garden Center…I shall raise up…plants of renown… it shall be known, and the ways shall be renown. I will bring and place…those that will be the caretakers of My (Garden Center…). You shall be a dresser of My vineyard, says the Lord, and the vineyard shall be these people that I shall bring unto you and out of you.