But when grace is shown to the wicked, they do not learn righteousness; even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil and do not regard the majesty of the Lord.
Lord, your hand is lifted high, but they do not see it. Let them see your zeal for your people and be put to shame; let the fire reserved for your enemies consume them.
Isaiah 26:10-11
There is today that which is called a new Grace movement in the church. It is nothing new, it is simply the same lies and deception that have been in the church, in varying forms for the history of the church. People say there is no more need for repentance, there is no judgment in light of the cross, or, even, that the fear of the Lord is not for today. Well, it is.
But, while some of these may be honestly working out their salvation while in the midst of error, others have no issues regarding their unrighteousness before God, and, concerning perfecting holiness out of reverence for God, they scorn and disdain, calling it “religious”. But, the particular errors are not grouped by happenstance.
As in Isaiah 26:10 above, when Grace is poured out upon the wicked, they do not learn righteousness.
Probably one of the greatest indicators of a coming move of God’s grace is this false movement coming before it. Let us never forget, there is an Amazing Grace, it is greater than we can imagine, but it has nothing to do with unrighteousness, but everything to do with God who is Holy.
As the prophet wrote, they continue to do wickedness and do not behold the majesty of the LORD.
They are blind, ignorant, naked, wretched, and blind, one might add. They profess to be right, but their very lives prove them to be liars.
Dont misunderstsnd. Those who come to Him He will in no wise cast out. But, to those want to use Grace as a license, who have no real regard for their sins, nor holiness, nor God, the very judgment many of them deny is what will theirs. Though God does not desire it, the fire reserved for His enemies is poured out on them.
Now, understand, this is not tslking about His enemies, unbelievers. No, rather, the judgment fire reserved for unbelievers is called to be poured out on those who increase in wickedness, choosing to live by their flesh and not by the Spirit. Some are innocentin the endeavor, merely trying make their way along, but some have deliberately gone the way of Balaam for greedy gain, some to Belial in trouble making, or whereever. But, let God be the judge.
The disciples asked if they should call down fire on the unbelievers, but Jesus restrained them. It is not for us to assign that day before its proper time, but make no mistake, an error as large as the hyper grace message, will bring the fire of judgment upon itself, even as God is Holy. And, if a nation gives itself over to it, then that nation, too, will find itself, regardless of past, under the judgment of fire that God had in store for another people.
Paul wrote to Timothy that seal of the Gospel is this, that the Lord knows who is His, and all who call on His name must depart from wickedness.
Anyone who says that it is acceptable to continue living a life of unrepentant sin is preaching a false message. But, to the one whosimply says toGod, I am a sinner, cleanse me, He will find all the Grace and Mercy a life needs, in abundance.