Please feel free to check out, a look at the subject of the End Times.
This is not the typical IHOP-KC approach to the subject of the end times, and in no wise do we wish to be seen in competition with anyone’s view on the subject. However, after quite some time of study, the conclusions we have reached, despite earnest inquiry even of IHOP-KC instructors and leadership staff are what they are.
You do not have to agree with either these conclusions or IHOP-KC, but simply to read the Word for yourself, and study to show yourself approved. While this approach deals with the subject of the End Times from what many would consider to be a mild Preterist viewpoint, it avoids the obvious and historical heretical teachings in a manner which is consistent, we believe, with a ‘Sola Scriptura’ approach.
With that said, please feel free to check out our research, our conclusions, and send feedback if so desired. Our only desire is for the truth, not to be “right”, or any such thing.
Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind.
Romans 14:5b
As I like to say, if I start to see the seals and the trumpets executing in sequence, I’m jumping ship and getting on board with those Kansas City folk. In the mean-time, I’ve studied what the Book says, so I’m preparing.
Thanks, and enjoy the study.