Benjamin Hoogterp

Standing In His Presence

Benjamin Hoogterp

Entitlement is the Offspring of A Justice Generation

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.

Psalm 89:14

The very foundation of the throne of God rests upon the two pillars of Righteousness and Justice.  Were either one of these pillars to disappear, the entire throne would topple, and God’s Kingdom would no longer stand.  Were justice to disappear, God’s rule would no longer be perfect, and God would no longer be God.

There is a movement in the world today that likely has stretched back to the beginning of mankind.  It is the cry for “Justice”.  Yet, we, as fallible human beings can often get what real justice is so wrong.  While there is a sense of a knowledge of right and wrong within us, we cannot, as it were, all agree upon what that right and wrong work out to be in every situation.

Hyper-Grace: Revisiting the Controversy


hyper-graceIn 2014, I wrote my book, “Hyper-Grace: Biblically Confronting Current False-Grace Heresies”, and self-published it on Amazon (including a full text PDF download available on Google Books for free).  It was in response to the rise in various errors and I believe heresies I had seen in the body of Christ, and, after studying for a few years, discussing with various people on both sides of the issue, I felt led to write.

When I wrote the book, it was with some awareness that another, more elder minister had written a book with a similar title, “Hyper-Grace: Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Message”.  Although I had not read all of his book at the time I wrote mine, I have done so in the time since.

Responding To a Psalm 2 Crisis

eyes-on-fireThe Reign of the LORD’S Anointed.

Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing?
The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together
Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,
“Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!”

Psalm 2:1-3 describes the situation facing the king.  David, seated in his throne, the throne of the Kingdom of God, observed from that position the state of the nations all around–the plans and schemes of the wicked–and the vanity, futility, of their thoughts.

Jill Austin – A Vision for the New Year

jill-austinJill Austin: A Vision for the New Year

A Gambling Casino

I had an open vision and saw a gambling casino covering the earth. There were global players who were playing for the world’s resources (like gold, silver, oil, and water). There were nations that had no problem committing genocide on a whole nation for their gold mines.
They were playing with cards–gambling and playing for high stakes. These players faces were like dogs. They had thick collars on, with spikes, and they were smoking expensive cigars. They were laughing crudely, and they were drunk and drinking whiskey. The scene looked like one of the paintings by Coolidge, which shows dogs gambling like men.

A Message from the life of the Bob Jones

Bob Jones, prophetIn the life of many of God’s chosen servants, events in their lives speak to us with prophetic urgency. While this is certainly true throughout the stories in the Bible, we also find it is true in the lives of many of His Servants today, as well.  In this, there is one instance in his life of now late prophet that I think speaks profoundly to this generation, the life of Bob Jones.

I feel this small snippet of the life of Bob Jones, his recovery and time in rehab under a Christian doctor who wanted to “just save one more” speaks to the condition of the young people in the church, those who know they are called to be used of God, but are, for whatever reason, unable to move forward.

For the many of this generation who either know their calling, are running for it, or are simply clueless to the plans God has designed for them, I believe this speaks to them today.  This is taken in part from the Prophetic History of IHOP-KC, the 1988 version.

The Problem with Unity

ppeThis past month, when several prominent leaders from the Charismatic church met with Pope Francis on the topic of unity in the body of Christ, Mike Bickle (director of the International House of Prayer of Kansas City) took a moment in the discussion to pointedly ask the pontiff his views on the errors of universalism and the idea that ‘all paths lead to God’.  Mike’s report was that the Pontiff affirmed that Jesus was, indeed, the only way of salvation.

But, unfortunately, it leaves one to wonder what it all means.  The very fact that Mike Bickle even had to ask is grounds to know that something is wrong, regardless whatever direct answer he was given.

The truth is, over the three years of his pontificate Pope Francis’  has done little to reinforce doctrine, but rather has, in many ways, diminished it. Instead of defending the faith, he has choosen “dialogue”, and at times, even apologized for the tradition and church history. The object here is not to point fingers, or raise a “railing accusation”, but simply to ask questions–the same questions Mike Bickle asked, but deeper.  An accuser is often only the tool of evil (Proverbs 6:16-18), but we are called to test and prove all things, to use righteous judgment, and to guard the flock from wolves and false teaching.  We ask in order that we may hold fast to the good and reject what isn’t.

Trinity – Why It Matters

ShieldOfTheTrinityAfter being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on Him, and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.”

Matthew 3:16-17

The above passage is taken from Jesus’ baptism and it is one of the more concise passages in which to demonstrate the tri-une nature of God.  Jesus, the Word become flesh, God the Son is baptized in the physical river, as God the Spirit descends him “as a dove” the Scriptures say, while God the Father speaks over Him from heaven, calling Him His Son.  God the Father is in heaven, and He is sending God the Spirit upon His Son, who is also God.

Here, we see the three persons of the one God in different ways.

Seven Mountains Analyzed – Seven Years On

7mDo not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophetic utterances.

But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil.

1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 NASB

The true test of any doctrine, teaching, or idea is whether it leads one into, or away, from a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.  It does not matter how much Bible it references, how many church cultural maxims it seems to uphold, or how much it appeases our collective religious ‘guilt’ (whether deserved nor not), in the end, the only thing that matters is whether our faith is being expressed in love (Galatians 5:6), and whether that love continues to “abound in all knowledge and in depth of insight” (Philippians 1:9).

It is whether a teaching leads us, who receive it, are brought closer to or further away from God in the process.  In addition, it is also about how well we bring others to know Christ, but this must never be at the loss of the former.  The first commandment is first, the second is second.  Always.

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My Pilgrimage – A Way out of Porn and into Apostasy

FLR2It almost sounded too good to be true…  Those who worked in the sex-trafficking arena and dealing with people trapped in addictive behaviors were saying it was working.  People were finally starting to get some breakthrough.

To be honest, I was excited when I first saw it.  I saw a glimmer of hope.  Only hope, because, while what they were presenting on the outside was certainly some good language towards some of the deeper things of looking at the heart, I also know the trickery of modern moves of Christianity.

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