Benjamin Hoogterp

Standing In His Presence

Benjamin Hoogterp

I Thank My God

baptism_tonguesI thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all:

1 Corinthians 14:18

Ever wonder how we can obey 1 Thessalonians 5:17 when it says that we should “Pray without ceasing”?  One way to do it is to pray in tongues.  Paul also wrote,

 I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also.

1 Corinthians 15:18 (portion)

When we pray in tongues, we build up our inner man.  It says that we speak mysteries unto God.  In fact, one form of prophecy is tongues with interpretation!

A Thorough Refutation Of The False-Grace Heresy Of Joseph Prince (by Pastor Chace Gordon)

50f04e7d-c52c-4972-aca3-7e3fd84661e3The following notes were written by Pastor Chace Gordon of Cornerstone World Outreach, and is reproduced from his website here.

Bob Jones’ Earthquake Prophecies

mcalifornia12-31-97 at MorningStar, [Charlotte, North Carolina,] New Years Eve
Prophetic Conference with Bob Jones, Jim Bakker and Rick Joyner
Transcribed from a cassette recording by Judy Curmi


Bob saw two mighty angels. One was holding the “San Diego plate” and the other, the New Madrid Fault Line. When each cup is full the angel will turn loose and the quakes will happen. They will be SUDDEN.

The HyperGrace Assessment

imagesBut when grace is shown to the wicked, they do not learn righteousness; even in a land of uprightness they go on doing evil and do not regard the majesty of the Lord.

Lord, your hand is lifted high, but they do not see it. Let them see your zeal for your people and be put to shame; let the fire reserved for your enemies consume them.

Isaiah 26:10-11

There is today that which is called a new Grace movement in the church. It is nothing new, it is simply the same lies and deception that have been in the church, in varying forms for the history of the church. People say there is no more need for repentance, there is no judgment in light of the cross, or, even, that the fear of the Lord is not for today. Well, it is.

But, while some of these may be honestly working out their salvation while in the midst of error, others have no issues regarding their unrighteousness before God, and, concerning perfecting holiness out of reverence for God, they scorn and disdain, calling it “religious”. But, the particular errors are not grouped by happenstance.

Revelation: The Kingdom is Here


Revelation:  The Kingdom is Here


A largely fulfilled, literal interpretation of the book of Revelation. Covers topics in Daniel and the Olivet Discourse, proving a 70AD great tribulation with Revelation 12-20 being fulfilled historically through real, literal events up through Constantine, leaving us after the Millennium, before the final return of the Lord Jesus.

List Price: $9.99
6″ x 9″ (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
Black & White on White paper
180 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1490511979 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
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Prayer At Its Best

entranceWhen Daniel Nash Prayed, Heaven responded.  Charles Finney, whom Father Nash labored with, was quoted as saying that revival was like a crop of wheat–what was sown in prayer was reaped in harvest.   Yet, it is not accident that within a few months after Daniel Nash died, Finney put up his regular preaching, because the power was no longer there.  The power, and Charles Finney knew it, was in the prayer.

Daniel Nash was recorded to have rented out a root cellar one time, and prayed and fasted there for two weeks before breakthrough came, and word was sent to Finney.  He knew when the right level of overcoming had been acheived, and, when it had, Finney preached, the Spirit fell, and many souls were saved.

One Thing

sky-04When Jesus heard this, He said to him, “One thing you still lack; sell all that you possess and distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”

Luke 18:22

King David wrote in Psalm 27:4 that he asked only one thing from God.  This simple prayer, the foundation of the current 24/7 prayer movement, is central if we are to capture God in this generation.  The simplicity, the focus, the potential.  There is no lack to those who seek Him.

Yet, in the same right, to the man who had “too much” for his own good, as this passage describes, Jesus was bold and direct.  The man wanted to be perfect, and Jesus, not trying to soften or work the man into agreement, told him His requirements.  The man went away sad when Jesus said only One Thing was lacking.  What did this poor man lack?  Real treasure.

IHOP Blueprint Prophecy – March 26, 1984

S12_BlueprintsIHOP Blueprint Prophecy

(edited) March 26, 1984

Friends of the Bridegroom – (

God shall confirm in your spirit; and do not proceed until He does. Upon the confirmation you should begin to act immediately to take the bride to the city; to the city of Kansas City, rather than having the city come to Him.

Therefore there should be another…on the north side and on the east side and on the west side, even as it is on the south side. Therefore there shall be four…. I have shown you My grace. My grace is sufficient. My grace is Me in you and in this shall be the 5-fold ministry.

In days past, I have said…You are a Garden Center…of My choice says the Lord. In My Garden Center…I shall raise up…plants of renown… it shall be known, and the ways shall be renown. I will bring and place…those that will be the caretakers of My (Garden Center…). You shall be a dresser of My vineyard, says the Lord, and the vineyard shall be these people that I shall bring unto you and out of you.

The Errors of Hyper-Grace


Hyper-Grace today is rapidly becoming a growing movement in the church today.  The errors range from claims that we no longer need repentance once were saved, to God doesn’t judge anymore (either until the judgment seat, or, for some, ever), to some going as far as saying that all men are already saved and that Jesus’ sacrifice alone was sufficient, apart from believing in Him.  Not all go this far, but there is a growing trend in many that see as positive any push towards this edge, in fact, any new teaching undermining traditional Christianity, while still applying the label, as fact.

The departure from mainline theology is not only plain, it often is the very thing that is celebrated.  Rebellion against the form, resistance to any kind of tradition, and aversion to being lumped in with what is deemed undesirable, controlling, or legalistic are often the motivating factors behind many in these movements.

The efforts often come on the tail end of many good moves of God.  Many good moves have come out, dismantling godless structures, unveiling the litany of “dead works” in the church, any which do not originate from faith, and dismantling the system of institutionalism that has crept over the church.  Slave labor has been rooted out, joy and love and peace are making their way back into the church, and many people who were just in need of touching God have been renewed to their first love.  To their credit, they faced great persecution at the hands of those who simply wanted to see the system of man stay in perpetuity.

The Road Ahead

road-wallpapersEnter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Matthew 7:13-14

What many think of as “life” is not life at all.  Jesus said He was the way, the truth, and the life, and no one came to the Father but by Him (John 14:6).  Jesus is The Life, and there is no other.

When we consider the many things in this world, from the eyes of Christ, we must conclude that since it is not contained within Him, it is not life at all.  This is, in fact the truth, because without Christ, all are dead in their trespasses and sin.  Theologically, we may even agree with this fact, but the truth remains that it is as true as salvation itself.  What walks around before us are literally tombs filled with dead men’s bones.

Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

John 12:23-26

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