Standing In His Presence

Benjamin Hoogterp

Tag: Seek

Prayer is Power

The Gospel is power.  It is not mere words, but they are the “Words of Life” (John 6:68).

If we don’t understand that the Gospel is about affecting a change on a condemned and dying world, we will have very little traction to keep us in our prayer rooms.

Some may say God will do this or that, and who can stop the will of God? But, the scripture is clear, the prayer of the righteous CHANGES things!  Things that wouldn’t have happened will, because someone prayed.  Things that would have happened, won’t, because someone labored and moved the heavens.  This is the Gospel.  This is the charge.

Keep On Asking

And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Matthew 21:22

Sometimes, all we can do is ask.  Sometimes, all we can do is keep on asking.  Sometimes.

Asking can seem like such a small thing.  Yet, it is what He asked us to do.  There is something about a submissive spirit, and trusting and yielding spirit, that is required to ask someone in authority over you for something you need.  They could tell you no.  They could condemn or ridicule you for your lack of ability in yourself.  They could ignore you like you just don’t matter.  They wound you in so many ways, because the place of asking is the place of opening up your vulnerability.

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